
A long week for me is signified by headaches. There are some weeks when each demanding day begins to build on top of the one before, and by the time the weekend comes, my head is pounding.

This past Friday, I lay down around 7:00pm, desperate for a remedy. Knowing lavender is supposed to lower stress, I thought I'd give it a shot at easing my headache. I rubbed a drop of lavender essential oil beneath my nose and inhaled. At first I was bothered because the scent seemed a little too potent, but after a few minutes I decided it was a good smell, and my headache began to fade.

I woke in darkness nearly six hours later. I was headache free, and more refreshed than I'd felt in quite some time. I attribute much of that to my long, evening "nap", but knowing the state I was in for most of the day prior, I feel I owe the lavender oil for snuffing my headache and nudging me towards sleep. And thankfully, after an episode and hot cup of tea, I was able to fall back asleep until morning.

So if you are plagued by stress headaches, or struggle to fall asleep at night, I suggest you give lavender oil a try. (But please - do your research or talk to a doctor before using lavender or other essential oils during pregnancy).

somewhat related things:
13 uses for lavender oil
a handy guide to essential oils
we served this at our wedding

photo found here.

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