
So, we sold our TV last night.

To be honest, it sort of just happened. The only display surface in our living room is a tiny white dresser, and with mostly empty wall space, the black TV above it was dominating the living area. It was also becoming too much of a temptation to leave the TV on for the hours I played on the floor with Henry. I wasn't comfortable with him staring all day at the flashing colors and array of sounds.

First we hid the TV in the bedroom closet and pulled it out for movie watching (I know, we are crazy). But of course that was a hassle, so eventually we forgot the TV even existed and began occasionally watching shows on our laptops. So yesterday we finally just sold it on Craigslist. 

I feel the need to say that I'm not advocating for everyone to get rid of their TVs, and I don’t think Joseph and I are something special for not having a TV in our home. Someday you better bet we will have a massive TV and routinely have family movies nights and host big game watching nights with friends.

For those of you who have been following my other posts on living simply and more minimally, do you see what happens? You start by getting rid of one thing. Then another. Then another. And at some point your perspective on things begins to change, and you do something crazy like sell your TV.

Start looking around your home and decide what's getting in the way of you living your life in an intentional and meaningful way. As your stuff begins to disappear, you’ll be surprised that the way you begin to view what's left changes, and so does your perspective on what you think you need.

somewhat related things:
affects of television on brain development
do you let you kids watch tv?
here's proof I'm not a total television hater
what shows do you binge watch?

photo credit: some day I want our TV wall to look like this.

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